Saturday, May 19, 2007

How Many People Share The Same First And Last Name As You?

This is fun – or maybe not, depending on your outlook!! The results can be surprising.

There are 232,451 (that were found and who knows how many it didn’t find) people in the United States with the same first name as myself, April. Well, at least I know who I am, but as for the other 232,450 I haven't got a clue. I would have liked to check my first and middle name to see what difference that would have made, but that wasn’t offered.

Using as an example the first and last name, James Smith, the results are over 5 million people with the same first name and over 50,000 people with the name “James Smith” in the United States. This is one where I thought there would have been a lot more.

Input just your first name to see how many people in the U.S. share your first name, or if you are really curious, your whole name to see how many people there with the same first and last name as you.


Anonymous said...

That's a load of bull. That would mean that nearly every 10th person you met on the street in the US would be called April. I doubt there is even half that number in the WORLD.

Anonymous said...

Wait lol haha, I did my maths wrong. It's one in every 1000. Still seems like a lot of Aprils.