Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Happy New Year 2009

Happy New Year - Have a wonderful, safe, happy and prosperous New Year 2009 everyone!

Image Credit: Billy Alexander

Saturday, December 27, 2008

Pennsylvania Representative Anthony DeLuca Looking At Car Insurance Rates

One of the news channels on the internet had an article on Tony DeLuca who is questioning the car insurance companies' rating system. The article informs that in Pennsylvania (check your own state for this too!) the insurers are giving better rates to those with higher educations. (Here's the article I found on the net
and the home page of Anthony DeLuca if you are interested in checking back to see if there is any further news or contact his office for an update

By now, most everyone is aware that many industries base and change premiums or interest rates on the overall personal creditworthiness of an individual, totally regardless of whether or not that person has ever had a credit issue with the business, even during long-established relationships. Basing a car insurance rate on educational level -- well, that certainly seems like it has gone way too far and that other, more important criteria should certainly be given greater weight -- maybe things like accident history and claims for starters.

It is undeniable that those who are not creditworthy should not be applying for mortgages, loans or credit they really cannot repay, but I do find it outrageous for every creditor or insurer who possibly can, to jump on the rate hike bandwagon where there has been no problem with an established relationship. The overall effect of rate hikes "just because" is to further the downward spiral of those struggling, and this causes MORE financial failures where it otherwise would NOT have happened. It is just another way to extract more money from the poor.

In turn, the poor look to the government for housing, goods and services, and everyone still left standing with some assets and a job will help pay for it -- and in this economy, it could be for generations to come.

Our entire nation's economy is teetering on the brink of a tremendous disaster, and one of the ways to help prevent or lessen the impact, is NOT to raise prices on goods and services. The outcry in this nation would be great if a grocery store charged different prices for food to cash paying customers according to their credit history or education.

Anyone else feel there are moral problems with the way business is conducted?

Friday, December 26, 2008

$1.00 A Day To Write A Blog

Update: has changed their policy on how writers are rewarded. I heard that they initially started out at $5 a post, then reduced that to $1, and sometime in January began a different system to pay writers. A quick review of their webpage did not yield the details, so if there is still interest, please use a web search engine or contact them before you sign up.

Old article below:

New to writing and want to try out your skills? You do not have to be a seasoned writer to get paid to write at, just capable of adding interesting and informative content when you choose a subject, and following directions on the site. Each new VIP blogger is guaranteed $1.00 for each orginal 100 or more word post on their blog per day. When unique views to your blog reach a thousand as recorded by, your pay will include an additional $2.00. will review your blog monthly for certain criteria that include originality, regular posting, and how popular your blog has become. Today looks for quality work, and people who are able to promote themselves to produce page views. Today also notes that after review and consideration of statistics, payment might be "adjusted".

Bloggers can write more than one entry per day but only one will be accepted for payment. If you would like to try it out, go to, read the information presented on the site and sign up if you think you might be a good fit. It could be the start of a writing career for the stay at home, or work at home mom (or dad) or one of many "eggs" in your work basket for online earnings.

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Planned Parenthood Wants $4.6 Billion From Obama Administration?

Normally, my writing in the past has been concerned with thoughts on working from home and how to assess various offers and companies; eclectic personal experience, recipes and other things that I found interesting.

This blog is being revived and I hope to provide you with a lot of food for thought, whether it be other work at home possibilities, personal stories, interviews with real moms who work from home and run their own businesses, interesting finds, or things that are just plain outrageous.

Today, on Christmas Day, I am still awake and surfing the net for news, views and whatever is interesting to be found, while more sensible people have likely already gone to sleep, or are still wrapping their presents. Right now I am still up and missing my youngest son very much who is in the service of our country (yes, he has been over in the Middle East) and is not able to come home for Christmas. He has to stay at his main base, but at least he is in the United States for now. He called earlier and has a place to go with friends to celebrate, but it just is not the same when he is not home.

This story on Planned Parenthood has really upset me because I know that food banks are running short, and cannot serve everyone in need properly; so many people have lost their jobs and cannot find another to support their families, pay their bills; and many are losing their homes to foreclosure -- and Planned Parenthood wants more of my and your taxpayer money? This push for taxpayer funds is totally outrageous, totally arrogant and just totally insane -- as it would still be even if the entire nation were not struggling with financial woes. This is not a charitable organization, they make money on abortion services and much other so-called "healthcare" -- and, they want your taxpayer dollars to keep them in this highly profitable and disgusting business. They also intend to shove this down the taxpayer's throat whether you want it or not. Well, in my case, the answer is NOT now, NOT ever.

It is amazing what you can learn when you search out articles on the founder of Planned Parenthood, Margaret Sanger.

You just have to read this whole article by Katie Walker on December 19, 2008 at

"Washington, D.C. (19 December 2008) – President-elect Barack Obama's transition team has published a 55-page wish list from Planned Parenthood and over 50 other pro-abortion groups with a $4.6 billion price tag."

If the new President Obama and his administration work to assist them in their request, I will be inconsolable unless enough good people let their votes and voices be heard in opposition together so they do not receive it. Do not let Planned Parenthood, et al, get away with this. It is totally outrageous. Every child is a gift to be cherished, our future doctors, researchers, engineers, teachers, mothers, fathers, -- everyone, has something important to contribute, regardless of whether they might or do have disabilities or the severity of the disability. Life is precious. Stand up and be counted.

Merry Christmas and a Happy and Prosperous New Year

On this Holy Day, I wanted to wish you and all of yours Merry Christmas, and in the midst of all of our collective financial woes, unemployment, underemployment or worry about your employment and finances, ask God's blessing for all of us in the New Year.

Celebrate the birth of the Christ Child! He is all the reason for our celebration, and without Him, the celebration is not worthwhile.

I say Merry Christmas to other people, do you? It might be seen as politically incorrect, but it is a Christian celebration and I am not ashamed or embarrassed to celebrate.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Do It Yourself Pizza From Store Bought Homemade Bread

Tired of firing up your oven just to reheat pizza you had delivered when it's a bit less than piping hot or the crust could use a little more crisping?

You really can do it yourself with fantastic results that's more economical than delivery. Slice your chosen bread lengthwise and wrap the crust part only in aluminum foil (we use the non-stick). Lay your cheese on top and melt it (slices work well here). You can then remove it from the oven to add your sauce on top of the melted cheese so it won't soak into the bread and add the rest of your toppings. Return to the oven until it's all piping hot and crispy. Remove the aluminum foil for a few minutes toward the end of the baking cycle and enjoy.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Immortalized On The Web, Do You Let It All Hang Out?

There is a lot of talk on the net about SEO (search engine optimization) especially for those hoping to profit by their writing and selling. When a webmaster uses keywords, even inadvertently, it assists the search engines to help others find your site, your posts in a thread and in comment sections.

What could become a problem is in many discussion groups, blogs and websites on the net where individuals discuss their intimate personal details that should stay personal, and those discussions become searchable under key words which can be brought up by request to various search engines. These eventually become cached on the web, so even if the poster succeeds in removing posts, they are still available for viewing.

While it might not be likely that those who have posted will be instantly recognized by someone searching on the internet, TMI (too much information), especially of the personal kind, can end up searchable or cached on the net with the right combination of search words.

This is particularly true if you belong to a site that permits links, or does not have a way to block links, that people are posting along with their discussions or comments. Those utilizing a search engine can sometimes bring up much more than anticipated.

If you are recognizable on the net and applying for a job, remember that current trends are not only to pull your credit report, but also pull a background check that very often includes doing a search on the internet. TMI can kill your chances for employment even though your skills might be impeccable.

If you want to be comfortable on the net, discretion in what you post anywhere is something to keep in mind.

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Do You Drive While Texting Or Chatting On The Phone?

Several years ago my brother-in-law was hit broadside at his driver's door by a woman running a red light while she was busy chatting on her cell phone, hadn't noticed she had a red light, so she just kept going until she hit him. My brother-in-law was fortunate, he was driving a larger extended cab truck (a personal truck that was large enough to transport his whole family) and was the only one in it at the time of the impact. The woman was in a car. The outcome may have been much more serious had the woman also been in as large and heavy a vehicle.

Both survived the accident with injuries, but the damage to the vehicles was tremendous. All this because the woman wasn't paying attention while driving. Both were very lucky that neither vehicle exploded.

Some of our lawmakers have recognized this growing problem and now, because people cannot put all their priorities on safety, we are going to lose the right to make or receive calls while behind the wheel. If you really need to talk, get a headset and a dashboard mount so there's no fumbling with the phone. Spending a few more bucks per month financing a vehicle option that lets you speak hands free might be a good choice as well.

One of the problems with using cell phones while driving is the ability to do text messages. Younger people seem to have more readily embraced this form of communication, even while driving, which makes the situation even more dangerous.

Here's a recent article about regulating everyone's behavior behind the wheel. We can probably look for more of the same to come in our own states. Virginia Considers Ban On Driving While Texting I wouldn't be a bit surprised if our laws continue to become even more restrictive because of other's lack of responsibility behind the wheel.

Saturday, January 12, 2008

Employee Work As At Home Communicator - Might Be Good For Those With Disabilities

Unresearched, but for those looking for a stay at home career where you can work from your own home office it's worth a look. Benefits available, base pay and possibility of bonus earnings. Here's the information you need to begin, and this might be a good opportunity for work for those with disabilities.

Friday, January 11, 2008

Cute Baby Greaser Cartoon

Have you committed yourself to easing back a little this year and laughing more? Laughter is very good for you. Lighthearted is even better, it doesn't impose any unnecessary emotional stress. Watch and laugh at this video.

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Kopi Luwak Exotic Coffee -- I Won't Be Buying It

All I can say is NO, NO, NO, Nooooooooooo, I am not buying it (even if I had that kind of money), I know where it came from and I can't stomach this. Watch the video and see if you agree or not.

Friday, January 4, 2008

Unresearched Customer Service, An At Home Job at Cloud 10 Corp

So many people now have their own office space/computer set up that as long as you have the necessary equipment, a quiet space and desire for a job, there are legtimate companies out there looking for you.

The business behind the link to Cloud 10 Corp. is unresearched here, so for all links of this nature, it is in your best interest to do your own due diligence to check out these opportunities before you apply.

Customer service has become a large part of the available work for moms and dads who need to work at home. What did catch my eye on Cloud 10 was their statement that their at home professionals were employees and that there are advancement opportunities. They did not mention they were currently hiring, but it wouldn't hurt to give it a try if your research on them finds them to your liking.

If you currently work for Cloud 10 it would be nice to leave some feedback here for others.

Telecommute From Home And Use That English/Writing Degree

This lead is totally unresearched, but it looked as though it might be a good opportunity for a stay at home mom, dad or grad if you have the proper background in English or writing and can satisfy yourself that this is a solid company. The website notes it is taking applications for additional qualified editors. It seems quite a bit skimpy on details*, but if your careful research turns out to your satisfaction, it might be a good opportunity for you.

Job Hint: Most any of the WHA people can tell you to never put all your eggs in one basket, especially if you are relying on a certain level of income. Always have additional and non-competing sources -- non-competing sources so that if a certain market goes sour, you aren't caught off guard.

*Skimpy details aren't always a tipoff that something is not legtimate. A company might simply be protecting its internal data from competitors.

Thursday, January 3, 2008

Got Kids? Gerber's Coupons Are On The Net

Got Kids? Gerber has some nice coupons for you. I particularly like coupons directly accessed from the company source. Many more stores are now accepting coupons printed from the web so you have a good chance to match up sales with coupons and reap a windfall. Just check your grocery flyers and if you haven't used self-printed coupons there before, give them a call before you go so you don't have a wasted trip.

You can always look up the name of the company you like to purchase from, so many have websites now, and often welcome you to sign up for the promotions, both email and online and you can also just print out coupons. It would be a great idea to have a separate email address for these kinds of things so they all arrive and are available in one handy place.