Friday, January 4, 2008

Telecommute From Home And Use That English/Writing Degree

This lead is totally unresearched, but it looked as though it might be a good opportunity for a stay at home mom, dad or grad if you have the proper background in English or writing and can satisfy yourself that this is a solid company. The website notes it is taking applications for additional qualified editors. It seems quite a bit skimpy on details*, but if your careful research turns out to your satisfaction, it might be a good opportunity for you.

Job Hint: Most any of the WHA people can tell you to never put all your eggs in one basket, especially if you are relying on a certain level of income. Always have additional and non-competing sources -- non-competing sources so that if a certain market goes sour, you aren't caught off guard.

*Skimpy details aren't always a tipoff that something is not legtimate. A company might simply be protecting its internal data from competitors.

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