Saturday, September 22, 2007

Can Anyone Help With Windows Internet Explorer Glitch On This Blogspot?

Anyone have any idea why this Blogspot has a Windows Internet Explorer glitch that appears saying:

  • "We're sorry an unexpected error has occurred. Please excuse the inconvenience and try again shortly."

"Shortly" has been ongoing for a few weeks and nothing I can do at the control panel has helped and I can't locate anything in the help section that helps. I am not a computer tech. Taking items off and checking the blog hasn't made any difference.

Any ideas what I can do (besides abandon the blog and do something else)?

Comments/suggested fixes appreciated.

THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU to the reader who took the time to find out what was wrong and your fix was right on target! Now I can work on my other computer problems so I can work on getting caught up on emails and all the rest of the things on which I am so far behind. Thanks again and again.

1 comment:

Der Geis said...

I loaded your root page in Firefox and it threw an unexpected error trying to load

Sifting through some of your posts, I determined that your imbeded video for Friday, June 15, 2007 "So, You Want To Moon the Fish?" is the culprit.

Remove it and that will solve your problem.