Normally, my writing in the past has been concerned with thoughts on working from home and how to assess various offers and companies; eclectic personal experience, recipes and other things that I found interesting.
This blog is being revived and I hope to provide you with a lot of food for thought, whether it be other work at home possibilities, personal stories, interviews with real moms who work from home and run their own businesses, interesting finds, or things that are just plain outrageous.
Today, on Christmas Day, I am still awake and surfing the net for news, views and whatever is interesting to be found, while more sensible people have likely already gone to sleep, or are still wrapping their presents. Right now I am still up and missing my youngest son very much who is in the service of our country (yes, he has been over in the Middle East) and is not able to come home for Christmas. He has to stay at his main base, but at least he is in the United States for now. He called earlier and has a place to go with friends to celebrate, but it just is not the same when he is not home.
This story on Planned Parenthood has really upset me because I know that food banks are running short, and cannot serve everyone in need properly; so many people have lost their jobs and cannot find another to support their families, pay their bills; and many are losing their homes to foreclosure -- and Planned Parenthood wants more of my and your taxpayer money? This push for taxpayer funds is totally outrageous, totally arrogant and just totally insane --
as it would still be even if the entire nation were not struggling with financial woes. This is not a charitable organization, they make money on abortion services and much other so-called "healthcare" -- and, they want your taxpayer dollars to keep them in this highly profitable and disgusting business. They also intend to shove this down the taxpayer's throat whether you want it or not. Well, in my case, the answer is NOT now, NOT ever.
It is amazing what you can learn when you search out articles on the founder of Planned Parenthood, Margaret Sanger.
You just have to read this whole article by Katie Walker on December 19, 2008 at "Washington, D.C. (19 December 2008) – President-elect Barack Obama's transition team has published a 55-page wish list from Planned Parenthood and over 50 other pro-abortion groups with a $4.6 billion price tag." If the new President Obama and his administration work to assist them in their request, I will be inconsolable unless enough good people let their votes and voices be heard in opposition together so they do not receive it. Do not let Planned Parenthood, et al, get away with this. It is totally outrageous. Every child is a gift to be cherished, our future doctors, researchers, engineers, teachers, mothers, fathers, -- everyone, has something important to contribute, regardless of whether they might or do have disabilities or the severity of the disability. Life is precious. Stand up and be counted.