Monday, December 31, 2007

New Year's Resolutions: Deepen Faith, Live, Laugh More and Always Widen My Circle of Wonderful Friends

It's inevitable that every Christmas and New Year's, we are one year older; and hopefully more faithful to God, happier, wiser and a little more financially stable than last year. I'm always sad when Christmas day is over, but long ago when my Grandma lived with us, we also had a little celebration of Russian Christmas, so my tree and decorations stay up at least through then, even now. Everyone has their own traditions and that just happens to be one of ours. While we aren't celebrating Russian Christmas, it's still a special day to me because of my beloved Grandma.

Year end many of us take stock of all our experiences during the past year, good, bad and indifferent and wonder how our future can be even more worthwhile. It really seems simple to me that all that is necessary is to keep doing all the good things that have been accomplished, learn our faith more completely, live and deal with love for others, discover even more wonderful new friends than in the past and bring on the laughter.

Laughter is a great mood elevator and I'm making a little contribution with a you-tube Weird Al video this year. For those of you who know who enjoy his accomplished talents, you'll love this one, and if you've never heard of him, watch it, he'll grow on you.

Happy, Safe and Prosperous New Year to all!!

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