Monday, April 6, 2009

Obama Bows to Saudi King and the Tea Party

After the video I saw our POTUS bowing to the Saudi King, I didn't think I could be any more disgusted, but I'm watching for what clown act comes next. A real POTUS would NEVER bow to another ruler or politician, it just isn't done, but it's caught on Youtube and all over the net. I am extremely embarrassed that Obama did this.

Posted below is the video on the Tea Party song. April 15 there are supposed to be tea party gatherings around the nation to protest the foolish ways of our government. Well, what can I say, it's been done before, so there's definitely precedent for it.

Apparently I am not the only one stressed out from the frivolous spending by our POTUS and Congress. One of the things I have learned from them is when you don't have money, borrow and spend it like there is no tomorrow. Spend away other people's futures and reward those who screw up with bailouts -- oh, and don't forget to give out massive bonuses. Would somebody tell me why big bonuses are given out with taxpayer bailout monies so that executives can be retained?

Where in the hell are they going to go? Jobs are so plentiful right now, I am sure they could find something -- right? Sure wouldn't want to lose most of those people who took our economy down the tubes now would we?

Please, learn the issues going on here, and make sure you are registered to vote and then get out and vote when there are elections. In the meantime, politely, if at all possible, keep after everyone in Congress to do what's right and stop selling us down the tubes. All American children are being born deep in debt for all their lives and this porkorama circus needs stopped.