Many among us knew someone who was killed in those attacks on 9/11 by terrorists, whether, New York, Washington or Pennsylvania. I am among that group. I will not forget.
Friday, September 11, 2009
Monday, August 24, 2009
About Rejected Comments
I want to thank the people publicly who have made helpful comments on the articles here, or to those who know me, to me personally (and of course, not published). The entire purpose of this blog was to be helpful to someone looking for other's opinions and thoughts on work at home jobs, current politics or just other items of interest as the mood strikes.
Perhaps it is the economy, but I've never had so many comments requiring deletion that began appearing last year and have continued throughout this year.
It is not possible to accept and publish comments whose main purpose is only to promote their own websites and do not contribute anything of value to an article.
Perhaps it is the economy, but I've never had so many comments requiring deletion that began appearing last year and have continued throughout this year.
It is not possible to accept and publish comments whose main purpose is only to promote their own websites and do not contribute anything of value to an article.
Rejected Comments
Monday, April 6, 2009
Obama Bows to Saudi King and the Tea Party
After the video I saw our POTUS bowing to the Saudi King, I didn't think I could be any more disgusted, but I'm watching for what clown act comes next. A real POTUS would NEVER bow to another ruler or politician, it just isn't done, but it's caught on Youtube and all over the net. I am extremely embarrassed that Obama did this.
Posted below is the video on the Tea Party song. April 15 there are supposed to be tea party gatherings around the nation to protest the foolish ways of our government. Well, what can I say, it's been done before, so there's definitely precedent for it.
Apparently I am not the only one stressed out from the frivolous spending by our POTUS and Congress. One of the things I have learned from them is when you don't have money, borrow and spend it like there is no tomorrow. Spend away other people's futures and reward those who screw up with bailouts -- oh, and don't forget to give out massive bonuses. Would somebody tell me why big bonuses are given out with taxpayer bailout monies so that executives can be retained?
Where in the hell are they going to go? Jobs are so plentiful right now, I am sure they could find something -- right? Sure wouldn't want to lose most of those people who took our economy down the tubes now would we?
Please, learn the issues going on here, and make sure you are registered to vote and then get out and vote when there are elections. In the meantime, politely, if at all possible, keep after everyone in Congress to do what's right and stop selling us down the tubes. All American children are being born deep in debt for all their lives and this porkorama circus needs stopped.
Posted below is the video on the Tea Party song. April 15 there are supposed to be tea party gatherings around the nation to protest the foolish ways of our government. Well, what can I say, it's been done before, so there's definitely precedent for it.
Apparently I am not the only one stressed out from the frivolous spending by our POTUS and Congress. One of the things I have learned from them is when you don't have money, borrow and spend it like there is no tomorrow. Spend away other people's futures and reward those who screw up with bailouts -- oh, and don't forget to give out massive bonuses. Would somebody tell me why big bonuses are given out with taxpayer bailout monies so that executives can be retained?
Where in the hell are they going to go? Jobs are so plentiful right now, I am sure they could find something -- right? Sure wouldn't want to lose most of those people who took our economy down the tubes now would we?
Please, learn the issues going on here, and make sure you are registered to vote and then get out and vote when there are elections. In the meantime, politely, if at all possible, keep after everyone in Congress to do what's right and stop selling us down the tubes. All American children are being born deep in debt for all their lives and this porkorama circus needs stopped.
Obama Bows to Saudi King,
Tea Party
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Robbing Peter to Pay Paul as a Baptist Deacon
Just another bank robbery today, this time in South Carolina. Internet news on AOL said that a man named Bruce Windsor (audio visual report only, no print report, so name might not be exact) had a real estate business that was biting the dust so he decided to rob a bank. The headline reads "Police Arrest Church Official". What's wrong with a headline that identifies him as a family man and local business owner?
Did this guy commit a crime dressed as a Baptist deacon?
I am obviously not a Baptist, nor an apologist for them, as you can tell by the articles and links on this site. However, for some reason -- and I guess we can all figure that one out -- the news feeds on someone who is Christian that really screws up.
The man owned a real estate company, but the news drives it home to viewers that he was a Deacon in his church -- and flashes a picture of the sign outside where he worships. Beats me, but I don't think I have ever seen someone in trouble with the law and had a news report mention anything about what college they graduated from, how they grew up treating their mom and dad or how many sisters and brothers he had and so on.
What if the guy was an atheist -- ever hear a news report say that?
What bothers me most I guess is to see news reports of "terrorists" and much more rare mention of their religion. Are we treading hard on Christians only? Have you had a look at your kids' school books to see how things are portrayed?
Apparently it isn't cool to be Christian and a bank robber, never mind that he is likely more well known for a real estate business in his community. We all know it truly isn't cool to be Christian and a bank robber, but if you watch the news, you'll see the biased reporting.
Anyone else as baffled as I am trying to figure out how the man thought he could rob Peter to pay Paul and get away with it? Lots of small business owners have watched their business get deep sixed, but they didn't rob a bank or commit a crime in retaliation against innocent citizens.
See the video for yourself -- what do you think about it? Here's the link
Did this guy commit a crime dressed as a Baptist deacon?
I am obviously not a Baptist, nor an apologist for them, as you can tell by the articles and links on this site. However, for some reason -- and I guess we can all figure that one out -- the news feeds on someone who is Christian that really screws up.
The man owned a real estate company, but the news drives it home to viewers that he was a Deacon in his church -- and flashes a picture of the sign outside where he worships. Beats me, but I don't think I have ever seen someone in trouble with the law and had a news report mention anything about what college they graduated from, how they grew up treating their mom and dad or how many sisters and brothers he had and so on.
What if the guy was an atheist -- ever hear a news report say that?
What bothers me most I guess is to see news reports of "terrorists" and much more rare mention of their religion. Are we treading hard on Christians only? Have you had a look at your kids' school books to see how things are portrayed?
Apparently it isn't cool to be Christian and a bank robber, never mind that he is likely more well known for a real estate business in his community. We all know it truly isn't cool to be Christian and a bank robber, but if you watch the news, you'll see the biased reporting.
Anyone else as baffled as I am trying to figure out how the man thought he could rob Peter to pay Paul and get away with it? Lots of small business owners have watched their business get deep sixed, but they didn't rob a bank or commit a crime in retaliation against innocent citizens.
See the video for yourself -- what do you think about it? Here's the link
bank robber,
baptist deacon,
rob peter to pay paul
Saturday, March 7, 2009
It's That Time of Year For Productions of the Vagina Monologues Again
Some Catholic Colleges permit the Vagina Monologues, but that number is finally dwindling after the Cardinal Newman Society launched an opposition campaign.
"...Cardinal Newman Society (CNS) thanked Father Michael Engh, S.J., President of Santa Clara University, a Jesuit college, for cancelling a scheduled production of The Vagina Monologues. "
Santa Clara is cancelled. There are about 15 colleges on the article listed that still don't seem to have gotten the message that play doesn't belong at a Catholic school. Why, well....why should this be part of anyone's educational experience:
"The Vagina Monologues is a sexually explicit and offensive play that favorably describes lesbian activity, group masturbation and the reduction of sexuality to selfish pleasure."
Read the whole article. Here's the link to the article at the Cardinal Newman Society:
While you are there, take a few minutes to look at the list to the right about Catholic colleges. If you want to send your child to a Catholic college, this can help you find information you want.
"...Cardinal Newman Society (CNS) thanked Father Michael Engh, S.J., President of Santa Clara University, a Jesuit college, for cancelling a scheduled production of The Vagina Monologues. "
Santa Clara is cancelled. There are about 15 colleges on the article listed that still don't seem to have gotten the message that play doesn't belong at a Catholic school. Why, well....why should this be part of anyone's educational experience:
"The Vagina Monologues is a sexually explicit and offensive play that favorably describes lesbian activity, group masturbation and the reduction of sexuality to selfish pleasure."
Read the whole article. Here's the link to the article at the Cardinal Newman Society:
While you are there, take a few minutes to look at the list to the right about Catholic colleges. If you want to send your child to a Catholic college, this can help you find information you want.
Friday, March 6, 2009
Everyone Against Abortion Raise Your Hand
Here's a video from Priests For Life. Watch it and see if you think abortion should be legal. Don't worry, it is short and to the point; you won't throw up, but it will make you sad. A child, no matter how big or small is a real human being. You do NOT have to be Christian to be against abortion. When all people do not have the fundamental right to life, all your rights are in jeopardy.
If you need help healing your life because you had an abortion, see this website:
If you need help healing your life because you had an abortion, see this website:
priests for life,
right to life
Friday, February 27, 2009
Lent Regulations for Latin Rite (Roman) Catholics
Every year there seems to be some confusion about church laws on fast and abstinence, ages, and other matters. Jimmy Aiken clears it up well using the church's official documents. If you need to refresh your memory, here's the link
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Tax Evasion Is Not Considered A Crime In Switzerland
Looks like lawyers that specialize in financial crime are going to be busy in Switzerland (and if the Justice Department prevails, they will be busy here too). Apparently a dozen or so possible tax evaders are suing UBS and the Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority for violating Swiss secrecy laws. UBS was supposed to turn over about 250 names and our Justice Department suspects around 52,000 more Americans of evading payment of taxes.
With our banks in crisis, I can understand wanting money (that is, if you have any) in a stable bank, but why should anyone be permitted NOT to pay their taxes just because they have enough cash to send offshore? Wasn't it Leona Helmsley that mumbled something about "only the little people pay taxes" as if the rich had some special privilege unavailable to lower castes? Her big mistake was thinking that people with meager funds are "little", which is pretty funny when you think about it. Great wealth is a source of great obligation, it does not make you "big" as she apparently thought.
It makes you wonder, too, if this means those with secret accounts perjured themselves when they signed their tax returns, as well as the possibility of collusion of others?
Article at
With our banks in crisis, I can understand wanting money (that is, if you have any) in a stable bank, but why should anyone be permitted NOT to pay their taxes just because they have enough cash to send offshore? Wasn't it Leona Helmsley that mumbled something about "only the little people pay taxes" as if the rich had some special privilege unavailable to lower castes? Her big mistake was thinking that people with meager funds are "little", which is pretty funny when you think about it. Great wealth is a source of great obligation, it does not make you "big" as she apparently thought.
It makes you wonder, too, if this means those with secret accounts perjured themselves when they signed their tax returns, as well as the possibility of collusion of others?
Article at
tax evaders,
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Our Economy is Sinking -- I've Got a Brilliant Idea, Hire American Workers
Our Economy is Sinking
Let's put the pedal to the metal and get our economy moving upwards. We need to demand that companies doing business here hire -- now, not only hire, but retain -- American workers. There have been way too many layoffs of capable American citizens.
Our laws have been way too lax in permitting lower cost foreign workers to be brought over here to fill jobs that Americans can do as well or better -- but foreign workers are less expensive. We will have to wait to see whether there are any real teeth in our new administration's governance with regard to employing Americans and truly much less brought over under laws that permit hiring from outside our country.
I am adverse to excessive government controls, a business needs to be free to run its business responsibly, but perhaps laws that particularly target the scenario where Americans lose their jobs, or are not hired, but foreign workers are brought in, could be very relevant and change a lot of "corporate think".
Responsibility of Leadership
Quite frankly, all corporate leadership needs to be held accountable for diminishing American jobs when American jobs are sent overseas or foreign workers are brought in to take over jobs that Americans can do. When a job is eliminated, together with its pay grade and title, and other jobs are created that take its place, it isn't hard to see how lower paid workers are replacing the higher paid ones.
There is no denial that some of this can be legitamite company restructuring, but this is a tactic very often used to eliminate workers with seniority, and all the costs that go with it. What has been done might be legal, but laws don't make these actions moral. It can just mean that a company's pockets are deep enough to afford the right legal counsel to come in under the radar and not run afoul of established law.
Cheap labor overseas reduces the costs of doing business. Large and sometimes not so large businesses contract for services, further reducing American jobs. It benefits the bottom line, but the service is often very poor, and reaching someone whose command of the English language is so bad that a caller cannot understand what was said, is totally frustrating and wastes my time. Apparently wasting my time is not a consideration when it is a cost cutting benefit to a business. It's just as if they had said to me "screw you".
The BIG Ouch
Greed reduces the purchasing power of American citizens. Is it any wonder there is such economic chaos in this country? When the only thing that matters to a business is the bottom line showing profits, their priorities are totally out of order.
What Can We Do About It?
Let your Congress Critters know you disapprove, and that you can vote, will vote, and are watching the actions of those who represent you. Learn the issues and get good, solid information by digging deep enough to get it.
Discuss it with your family, friends, neighbors and every group where you belong, listen to all the views, pro and con. Call the businesses that do this, express your dissatisfaction in polite terms. Write polite letters, send petitions, be active. Make sure to tell them if they want to do business here, they need to employ American workers here. If this trend continues, there won't be any Americans who can afford anything and we will find ourselves a third world country.
Get the names of the businesses that hire foreign workers instead of Americans, and the ones who outsource American jobs. Most everyone knows someone who knows what has happened at certain businesses, word gets around, but verify the information. Where possible, get information on profits and executive pay and bonuses. Make certain you are sitting down when you get this information, some of it will be overwhelming.
Some of this information is readily obtainable. Exorbitant executive pay, bonus structures and perks at a business that employs foreign workers, or outsources work that Americans can do should raise alarm bells. We do not want to put excessive governmental controls on businesses, but we do want their behavior to be responsible without these controls.
Public pressure can help a business stay responsible, no matter how large they are. BLOG your opinion -- reach others, and let's turn the tide. Daily prayer and moral behavior on your own part work well too, show the leadership you have.
This is not just about you and me, but about our children and their children's future as well. Let's work hard to make everyone's future, including capitalistic business, solid as a rock.
Let's put the pedal to the metal and get our economy moving upwards. We need to demand that companies doing business here hire -- now, not only hire, but retain -- American workers. There have been way too many layoffs of capable American citizens.
Our laws have been way too lax in permitting lower cost foreign workers to be brought over here to fill jobs that Americans can do as well or better -- but foreign workers are less expensive. We will have to wait to see whether there are any real teeth in our new administration's governance with regard to employing Americans and truly much less brought over under laws that permit hiring from outside our country.
I am adverse to excessive government controls, a business needs to be free to run its business responsibly, but perhaps laws that particularly target the scenario where Americans lose their jobs, or are not hired, but foreign workers are brought in, could be very relevant and change a lot of "corporate think".
Responsibility of Leadership
Quite frankly, all corporate leadership needs to be held accountable for diminishing American jobs when American jobs are sent overseas or foreign workers are brought in to take over jobs that Americans can do. When a job is eliminated, together with its pay grade and title, and other jobs are created that take its place, it isn't hard to see how lower paid workers are replacing the higher paid ones.
There is no denial that some of this can be legitamite company restructuring, but this is a tactic very often used to eliminate workers with seniority, and all the costs that go with it. What has been done might be legal, but laws don't make these actions moral. It can just mean that a company's pockets are deep enough to afford the right legal counsel to come in under the radar and not run afoul of established law.
Cheap labor overseas reduces the costs of doing business. Large and sometimes not so large businesses contract for services, further reducing American jobs. It benefits the bottom line, but the service is often very poor, and reaching someone whose command of the English language is so bad that a caller cannot understand what was said, is totally frustrating and wastes my time. Apparently wasting my time is not a consideration when it is a cost cutting benefit to a business. It's just as if they had said to me "screw you".
The BIG Ouch
Greed reduces the purchasing power of American citizens. Is it any wonder there is such economic chaos in this country? When the only thing that matters to a business is the bottom line showing profits, their priorities are totally out of order.
What Can We Do About It?
Let your Congress Critters know you disapprove, and that you can vote, will vote, and are watching the actions of those who represent you. Learn the issues and get good, solid information by digging deep enough to get it.
Discuss it with your family, friends, neighbors and every group where you belong, listen to all the views, pro and con. Call the businesses that do this, express your dissatisfaction in polite terms. Write polite letters, send petitions, be active. Make sure to tell them if they want to do business here, they need to employ American workers here. If this trend continues, there won't be any Americans who can afford anything and we will find ourselves a third world country.
Get the names of the businesses that hire foreign workers instead of Americans, and the ones who outsource American jobs. Most everyone knows someone who knows what has happened at certain businesses, word gets around, but verify the information. Where possible, get information on profits and executive pay and bonuses. Make certain you are sitting down when you get this information, some of it will be overwhelming.
Some of this information is readily obtainable. Exorbitant executive pay, bonus structures and perks at a business that employs foreign workers, or outsources work that Americans can do should raise alarm bells. We do not want to put excessive governmental controls on businesses, but we do want their behavior to be responsible without these controls.
Public pressure can help a business stay responsible, no matter how large they are. BLOG your opinion -- reach others, and let's turn the tide. Daily prayer and moral behavior on your own part work well too, show the leadership you have.
This is not just about you and me, but about our children and their children's future as well. Let's work hard to make everyone's future, including capitalistic business, solid as a rock.
economy sinking,
hire american workers
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Revitalizing Our Economy, Americans Need Jobs
One of the simple things that will revitalize and help stabilize our economy is the availability of jobs that pay at least a sufficient amount to live comfortably, raise a family and pay for necessities with enough left over to save and splurge a little.
Those of you over the age of, and perhaps as young as 30, remember a different economic climate long ago and watched as all our lives began to change faster with even bigger challenges due to unemployment and higher prices. Unemployment, underemployment and financial problems have caused such tremendous chaos that even those who are still able to pay their way feel the ground shaking beneath them as well.
My thoughts on the changes, as I have watched and fretted over it for quite a few years, is about how many American jobs have been lost due to outsourcing work and manufacturing to other countries where labor costs (and their cost of living) is far less. Companies that outsource have enjoyed greater profits, but the general public is not reaping the benefits, and changes need made.
It is way past time to get off this roller coaster ride and bring American jobs and efficient manufacturing back home here where it will benefit our economy and our lives. This issue has had a domino effect, jobs lost, tax base lost, everyone looking for government aid, and our government is borrowing money. Our economy needs reformed from within.
Contact your congress critters and discuss your concerns. If you are not signed up to vote, do so now, and arm yourself with full knowledge of the issues at stake -- from many sources, read independent conservative bloggers as well to get a more balanced view, the general news will not tell you everything you need to know to make informed decisions.
Those of you over the age of, and perhaps as young as 30, remember a different economic climate long ago and watched as all our lives began to change faster with even bigger challenges due to unemployment and higher prices. Unemployment, underemployment and financial problems have caused such tremendous chaos that even those who are still able to pay their way feel the ground shaking beneath them as well.
My thoughts on the changes, as I have watched and fretted over it for quite a few years, is about how many American jobs have been lost due to outsourcing work and manufacturing to other countries where labor costs (and their cost of living) is far less. Companies that outsource have enjoyed greater profits, but the general public is not reaping the benefits, and changes need made.
It is way past time to get off this roller coaster ride and bring American jobs and efficient manufacturing back home here where it will benefit our economy and our lives. This issue has had a domino effect, jobs lost, tax base lost, everyone looking for government aid, and our government is borrowing money. Our economy needs reformed from within.
Contact your congress critters and discuss your concerns. If you are not signed up to vote, do so now, and arm yourself with full knowledge of the issues at stake -- from many sources, read independent conservative bloggers as well to get a more balanced view, the general news will not tell you everything you need to know to make informed decisions.
Sunday, January 11, 2009
Your Income Tax Dollars Do Not Work.. But You Do, Or Used To Work
Our economy is so bad right now, it might just as well join the other useless items in the dumpster for trash removal. Why are so many people shaking their heads and declaring that they just cannot understand it?
The damning evidence piles are high and absolutely reeking like garbage. I am not going to visit each pile here, but begin by laying out one of the big problems: Government size and spending.
Government has become so large over the years that it feeds on its own need, and in turn, has a huge appetite for your income tax dollars and unnecessary government spending on itself and on many other things. This exponential growth is going to affect not only you and your children, and their children, but further on down through more generations to come. This unhappy situation needs put into proper perspective and remedied promptly so that our country can become a safe and happy home for every one of us.
Senator Tom Coburn of Oklahoma has a lot of reports on wasteful spending, many of them totally outrageous of your and my income tax dollars that fund the government spending. A quick trip through them is enlightening and there are many more that I know of that were not mentioned.
If your own budget was set up like this, your own finances would quickly fail and you would be in deep trouble, if not homeless. The whole problem with unnecessary government spending is that it personally affects every one of us who will carry the burden and for generations to come -- it is all totally unnecessary and totally avoidable.
Senator Tom Coburn has a website with a great deal of information on wasted money spent by the government. You can find that at
Take the time to read it. Contact your own congress critters and demand a stop to spending that benefits special interests, is totally unnecessary or outrageous; and absolutely NOT geared to rebuilding our economy to the benefit of everyone.
This recession is real, folks, there will be no quick fix. If you are not broadly informed on real issues, set aside time NOW to do it on a regular basis. Read independent conservative bloggers, not just mainstream news. You will learn a great deal and see the other side of the story. Once you are well armed with a lot of information, make certain you are signed up to VOTE.
Never miss the opportunity to vote and make your voice heard loud and clear. Your vote does count.
Here is more reading for you on totally unnecessary, outrageous spending and waste of your income tax dollars that will benefit an already profit-making business that earns their profits on human misery -- do you really want your dollars going here? See my Thursday, December 25 article at Outrageous!
Update to this post 1/13/08:
I want to correct any misunderstanding in my post above about PP being a normal for profit business. Their business is operated as a nonprofit in a very slick manner. Access the Better Business site at: -- so you can read it for yourself, and here is an excerpt from the report "Former President Gloria Feldt received total compensation of $902,148 for the period of July 1, 2004 - January 31, 2005." We are talking some serious compensation here for a nonprofit that wants to suck in your income tax dollars.
Can anyone tell me what charity or non-profit pays this well, turns around and uses taxpayer income tax dollars to further solicit donations, makes political contributions to ensure legislation in their favor, and works as hard as possible to infiltrate schools and other organizations for the young to teach them more than they ever should know about how to achieve a total lack of morals?
Jeff Miller over at has a good article about their "earnings". You can read it at anyone else hearing alarm bells going off?
The damning evidence piles are high and absolutely reeking like garbage. I am not going to visit each pile here, but begin by laying out one of the big problems: Government size and spending.
Government has become so large over the years that it feeds on its own need, and in turn, has a huge appetite for your income tax dollars and unnecessary government spending on itself and on many other things. This exponential growth is going to affect not only you and your children, and their children, but further on down through more generations to come. This unhappy situation needs put into proper perspective and remedied promptly so that our country can become a safe and happy home for every one of us.
Senator Tom Coburn of Oklahoma has a lot of reports on wasteful spending, many of them totally outrageous of your and my income tax dollars that fund the government spending. A quick trip through them is enlightening and there are many more that I know of that were not mentioned.
If your own budget was set up like this, your own finances would quickly fail and you would be in deep trouble, if not homeless. The whole problem with unnecessary government spending is that it personally affects every one of us who will carry the burden and for generations to come -- it is all totally unnecessary and totally avoidable.
Senator Tom Coburn has a website with a great deal of information on wasted money spent by the government. You can find that at
Take the time to read it. Contact your own congress critters and demand a stop to spending that benefits special interests, is totally unnecessary or outrageous; and absolutely NOT geared to rebuilding our economy to the benefit of everyone.
This recession is real, folks, there will be no quick fix. If you are not broadly informed on real issues, set aside time NOW to do it on a regular basis. Read independent conservative bloggers, not just mainstream news. You will learn a great deal and see the other side of the story. Once you are well armed with a lot of information, make certain you are signed up to VOTE.
Never miss the opportunity to vote and make your voice heard loud and clear. Your vote does count.
Here is more reading for you on totally unnecessary, outrageous spending and waste of your income tax dollars that will benefit an already profit-making business that earns their profits on human misery -- do you really want your dollars going here? See my Thursday, December 25 article at Outrageous!
Update to this post 1/13/08:
I want to correct any misunderstanding in my post above about PP being a normal for profit business. Their business is operated as a nonprofit in a very slick manner. Access the Better Business site at: -- so you can read it for yourself, and here is an excerpt from the report "Former President Gloria Feldt received total compensation of $902,148 for the period of July 1, 2004 - January 31, 2005." We are talking some serious compensation here for a nonprofit that wants to suck in your income tax dollars.
Can anyone tell me what charity or non-profit pays this well, turns around and uses taxpayer income tax dollars to further solicit donations, makes political contributions to ensure legislation in their favor, and works as hard as possible to infiltrate schools and other organizations for the young to teach them more than they ever should know about how to achieve a total lack of morals?
Jeff Miller over at has a good article about their "earnings". You can read it at anyone else hearing alarm bells going off?
government spending,
income tax,
tom coburn
Thursday, January 1, 2009
Want to Be A Work At Home Employee in 2009?

Take a look at the Alpine Access Career page at
-- check out their offer -- their website states you get paid for all work time as an employee.
Image Credit: Allen Pope
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